TickleMyPhone: Find your lost Mobile and Control your lost Mobile with simple Commands

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Hello guys, Nowadays there are many remote control applications for mobiles or systems in the market. “TickleMyPhone” is also such type of application through which we can control our android device remotely. It is very useful to find our mobile when we lost it. It will perform all operations through SMS commands only.

Download free version from Play Store: Tickle My Phone

Direct Download free version: Mirror

Download Pro from Play Store: Tickle My Phone

Details of the Application:

  • Name: Tickle My Phone(Remote Remote)
  • Size: 1.11 MB
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last Updated: 08-01-2017
  • Requires Android: 2.1 and Up

TickleMyPhone has a very colorful interface. Every time it will occur in different colors. It is available in free and pro version also. The pro version is available from cost range $2 to $5. In the free version, few options are available so to use it to the full we need to buy the premium version.

We can also control our mobile remotely like accessing the call logs, contacts list, Recording Video,  clicking a picture.

Salient Features of TickleMyPhone:

  • Manage SMS/Text Message Rules
  • Automatic Answering Calls Settings
  • Antitheft/SIM Change Alert Settings
  • Monitor Log Details

We will get detailed information about each feature below.

Manage SMS/Text Message Rules:

  • Once we install this application on our mobile, we can send an SMS from any other ordinary mobile with a specific set of keywords in the SMS body. We can also allow selected numbers to send this SMS commands.
  • According to the received message, Tickle Phone will perform the associated action. We can customize the keywords set to send a message.We can hide these tickle commands.
  • We can put alert options to acknowledge receiving of TML commands like vibrating the phone/playing BIG sound.
  • There are some default commands stored in this app. Some command options are only for pro version users.
  • Examples of some TML commands are Call Back,  Vibrate, Play MP3 file from SD card, Send Call Logs detailed Report, Send installed and Running Application list.
  • For each and every TML command, we will have an example SMS with a clear description and its status. Here we can edit the command and can write our own.
  • So we can easily understand the command functionality and how to use that command by clicking on that particular command. 

Sample Commands:

  • Take Photo: When our phone receives the message with the starting word as “TAKEPICTURE” then tickle my phone will take the live picture and save the images to the SD card.
  • Record Live Audio Send attachment: When our phone receives the message with the starting word as “SENDAUDIORECORD” then tickle my phone will record the live audio for 30 seconds and send the email with the audio file as an attachment. We can increase this recording time and mail id.
  • Play MP3 file from SD card: When our phone receives the message with the starting word as “PLAYFILE <PATHNAME>” then tickle my phone will play the media file in the specified path.
  • Where Are You(Premium): When our phone receives the message with the starting word as “WHEREAREYOU” then tickle my phone will send GEO location and the Google Maps link to the sender as SMS.
  • Wi-fi Settings(Premium): When our phone receives the message with the starting word as “SETWIFI 0/1″ then tickle my phone will set WI-FI on/off.
  • Create Calendar Event: When our phone receives the message with the starting word as “CALEVENT Event_name” then tickle my phone will create the calendar event for today with the event name.

Automatic Answering Calls Settings:

  • This feature enables answering the phone automatically. Here we can set some predefined numbers to allow automatic answering service and can also enable the speaker option.
  • There is also another feature which automatically adds the SMS command sender number to automatic answer service.
  • But this feature is only available for paid version only. Any changes made in these settings will not reflect in the free version.

Antitheft/SIM Change Alert Settings:

  • This feature is beneficial when we lost the phone to trace it and get back. It works for free version also.
  • SIM Info Registration feature will automatically get the info of active SIM in our mobile. We need to register these details with Tickle My Phone.
  • When we lose our phone, the culprit will change the SIM and switch it back on then ticklemyphone will cross check the new number with the registered number.
  • If they are not matched then tickle my phone will send an alert to our alternative numbers.
  • We can register our friends or family members numbers as alternative numbers with tickle my phone.
  • We can show the message as soon as culprit changes the SIM and switch it back on the phone. It can be configured by ourselves also with our returning address.
  • Enable Big Alarm option will play a sound for 20 seconds when SIM got changed.We can also give our email id also to get the SIM change alerts.

Monitor Log Details:

  • Here we can find saved log details like SMS commands messages and actions performed by TickleMyPhone.

TickleMyPhone: Find your lost Mobile and Control your lost Mobile with simple Commands - Techwonderz

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